To determine the original Scriptural Name of the Savior, King of Kings we look for the "First Place of Mention" (FPOM) and Foundational teaching regarding Messiah's Name. provides sufficient authentication and references to prove the Name of Messiah.  Our first search for "Messiah" is found in Daniyl in the OT..
Dan 9:25 Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth 
of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah (H 4899) the Prince shall be seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks: the street shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublous times.  (H is for Hebrew number 4899 in the arm chair concordance.)
Dan 9:26 And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah (H 4899) be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined. 
Dan 9:27 And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate. 
​"Jesus" is not Hebrew. It is in fact derived from the Greek name "Iesous" which is found in the Greek...According to the Liddel and Scott Greek Lexicon, "Iesous" is the Ionic masculine form of the name, "Iaso" (the Greek goddess of healing). See the word, ‘Iaso’.
The letter “J” became popular five hundred years ago. Before this time, there was no J in Jehova etc.. the Hebrew uses the letter “Y:. Heyseus existed in Mexico, not Yisrael.

                                                            THE LETTER J

         Exodus 6:3 is one of the four citations in the KJV where in English it prints JEHOVAH. However, the correct Hebrew word is Yod Hey Vav Hey; no “J” (Jay). Thus we may pronounce His Name YaH' or YaH’Vah.  
For the Hebrew of "Y" we have always pronounced "Ee-Yah". We are not advanced Hebrew scholars. If someone wishes to pronounce with a J as in JehovaH let YaHVaH judge it. But spelling must not be with a J because it is not it in underlying Hebrew text. The first error might begin with using a different pronunciation. The SPELLING is where they make the error- Which leads to the second error of SPELLING His Name wrong, with a J.
Jesus with a J was never in the underlying text. In the Gospels see John 7 they used "IESEUS"


“And he that blasphemeth the NAME of YaHVaH, he shall surely be put to well as the stranger, as he that is born in the land, when he blasphemeth the NAME of YaHVaH shall be put to death.” Lev 24:16

The 26 Letters, Oscar Ogg; pg 74 &106, "The three missing letters, J, U and W, were not used by the Romans at all. U and W developed FROM "V" about a thousand years ago, and J developed from the letter "I" about five hundred years ago.” (Thus, the W came in about 971 A.D.) Page 74 shows a chart of Hieratic, Phoenician letters, with no W, just a “V”, 1150 B.C.. Page 105 shows a Greek-Latin chart: No “W”, just a “V” at bottom right.

JESUS CHRIST" Where did it come from?
THE INTERPRETERS DICTIONARY OF THE BIBLE: The English form goes back to the Latin (Iesus) which transliterates (not translates) the Greek; but the original form was Joshua, or more fully Yehoshuah." “HO” means “Proclaiming Salvation of YHVH”. We hope to show that “Shua” in “Yehoshuah” is incorrect and corrupt. [See below “Where Did the Name of Yashua Come from?”]
 From "The Word, HalleluYah", by J. David Klopfenstein.
How could intelligent people who have studied for years make such grave mistakes? Maybe they did not study this area deeply enough, but instead studied their own traditional leaders. We have been in ignorance long enough.
 "Scholars know that our Savior wasn't known by the name, "Jesus". The fact that many have come to "accept" the "person" of the Savior while knowing only a name “Jesus” does not make that His actual name.
 He was born a Hebrew as prophesied in IsaiYah 9:6, Micah 5:2 etc. However, "Jesus" is not Hebrew. It is in fact derived from the Greek name "Iesous" which is found in the Greek...According to the LIDDEL AND SCOTT GREEK LEXICON: "Iesous" is the Ionic masculine form of the name, "Iaso" the Greek goddess of healing. See the word, ‘Iaso’.
 “For the name, Iesous to be the same as the Hebrew "YaHOSHA" it must also have the word salvation, and the name, YaHVaH, in the name.

The Greek word for "Salvation" is "Soterion", #4992 in Strongs Concordance. The Greek word for "Savior" is Soter #4990 Strongs.
“NEITHER OF THESE WORDS IS IN THE NAME JESUS OR IESOUS. So the name is not a translated name. The only alternative is a transliterated name.
 Jesus or Heyseus is used in Spain and Mexico. In Jerusalem it was not used, since it is not Hebrew.
 H3467 YAHSHA “..bring (having) salvation. Sav (ior).” Meantime, let us deal gently with those who have never studied the Concordance and Lexicons. They are busy trying to survive in this confusing world. But instead of watching Media and TV shows, maybe they could have accomplished more in Spiritual matters? More…

The Mistaken J. -Ieseus Is the Greek Word they used for Messiah, but Ieseus 
is a pagan deity whom is worshipped. Before the Christians caught on to this 
Greek name, the Romans changed the first letter to a J, which is pleasant to 
roll off the mouth. Neither name is translatable from Joshua or YaHshua or YaHSHA.
JESUS is Ieseus spelled with a "J".

For over five hundred years, there have been many decent, respectful, and sincere people who have used the names of Jesus and Jehovah. The V is correct. . Most of us were, as Paul says, children in the faith, so we spoke as a child. We called upon that authorized KJV Name Jesus, the only Name we were taught. Now we know, and have become more mature in the Faith. I have left my baby talk, and speak and spell the King of the Universe by His Scriptural Name.  
This is how we honor His Name, and do not take His Name in vain. If they want, they could start by referring to the King of Kings as Joshua, then when they grow and study into it, Yasha, Yeshua or YaHOSHA.
If you take all the Jesus songs and change the name back to the 
original, Ieseus, try singing all the Jesus with the J songs with the 
original spelling and pronunciation. Could you imagine saying, "What a 
friend we have in Ieseus"? "Ieseus is the sweetest name I know." 
Our KJV Bible uses Jehovah four times, and substitutes “Lord” for YaHVaH (Jehovah) 7000 times.

                                                CHRIST or MESSIAH?

Similar to the foregoing components of Sun-worship which had been adopted into the church, we have similar proof of the adoption of a pagan word or name, although less convincing of its absolute solar origin. However, we can clearly see that, with the Greeks using both the Greek words Messias (a transliteration) and Christos (a translation) for the Hebrew Mashiach (Anointed), the word Christos was far more acceptable to the pagans who were worshipping Chreston, Chrestos, and perhaps also those worshiping Krista. But we will come to that later.
*** The Hebrew word Mashiach has been translated in the Old Testament of the King James Version as “Anointed” in most places, but as “Messiah” in two places, namely Dan. 9:25 and 26. This word is a title, although it was used as an appellative (name) later on. Thus, this word was faithfully translated as “Anointed” in the Old Testament and only in Dan 9:25 and 26 was its Hebrew character retained in the transliterated “Messiah”. Likewise, we find that the Greeks also admitted their transliterated form Messias in the Greek New Testament in John 1:41 and John 4:25. Why then did they introduce or use the word Christos in the rest of the Greek New Testament? Even if they had preferred Christos to Messias, why did our translators transliterate the word as “Christ”? Why did they not transliterate the word, as was done in Dan 9:25 and 26, as “Messiah”, seeing that the Greeks had also accepted their Greek transliteration of the word, namely Messias in John 1:41 and John 4:25? Ferrar Fenton’s translation, The Complete Bible in Modern English, used “Messiah” instead of “Christ” in most places where the word is used alone, except when used as the combination “Jesus Christ”. 

Similarly, the New English Bible has used “Messiah” in its New Testament in many places. The Good News Bible has restored the word “Messiah” in no less than 70 places in its New Testament. The New International Version gives the alternative “Messiah” in almost all places, by means of a footnote. Dr. Bullinger in The Companion Bible, appendix 98 IX, says, “Hence, the Noun (Christos) is used of and for the Messiah, and in the Gospels should always be translated ‘Messiah'”. also, Benjamin Wilson in his Emphatic Diaglott has restored the words “Anointed” and “Messiah” in many places.
Yahushúa Himself said in John 4:22, “For salvation is from the Jews,” NASB. Not only was our Messiah born from a Hebrew virgin, but also all of His Message, the teachings, “the root and fatness” (Rom. 11:17), the Glad Tidings, “spiritual things” (Rom. 15:27), “the citizenship of Israel” (Eph. 2:12, Rotherham), “covenants of promise” (Eph. 2:12), “ are all from the Jews! The Good News Bible, in its rendering of Rom. 9:4-5 added the word “True” to the word “Worship” to make it clearer. Speaking of literal Israel, it read, “They are The Mighty One’s people; He made His covenants with them and gave them the Law; they have the True Worship; they have received The Mighty One’s promises; they are descended from the famous Hebrew ancestors; and Messiah, as a human Being, belongs to their race.” 

​YaHOSHA (Yahushúa) could not have been known as Christos amongst His people. His title was known as Mashiach in Hebrew, and Mesiha in Aramaic – to those who accepted Him as such, Matt. 16:16, John 6:69 etc. This title is easily transliterated as “Messiah”, and is generally accepted, and has been accepted, just like the Greek Messias. Why then have they not persisted with it? Even if they wanted to translate it, why have they not translated it as “Anointed”, as was done in the English translation of the King James Version’s Old Testament?

*** This almost sensational admission as to the confusion and uncertainty between Christos and Chrestos, Christus and Chrestus, Christiani and Chrestiani, is well documented and shared and published by other scholars too (note 201) as well as by the Early Fathers: Justin Martyr, Tertullian, Lanctantius and others.201 This confusion and uncertainty can only encourage and encourage us to return to the only Source of Truth, the Word, the Scriptures, before it was translated into the languages of the pagans. Only then can we find peace in the truth of Yahushúa being the Anointed, the One promised to Israel.
Who was this Chrestos or Chreston with which Christos became confused with? We have already seen that Chrestos was a common Greek proper name, meaning “good”. further, we see in Pauly-Wissowa, Real Encyclopaedie, under “Chrestos”, that the inscription Chrestos is to be seen on a Mithras relief in the Vatican. We also read in J.M. Robertson, Christianity and Mythology, p. 331, that Osiris, the Sun-deity of Egypt, was reverenced as Chrestos. We also read of the heretic Gnostics who used the name Chreistos.202 The confusion, and syncretism, is further evidenced by the oldest Christian building known, the Synagogue of the Marcionites on Mt. Hermon, built in the 3rd century, where the Messiah’s title or appellation is spelt Chrestos.203 Justin Martyr (about 150 C.E.) said that Christians were Chrestoi or “good”. Tertullian and Lactantius inform us that “the common people usually called Christ Chrestos”. Clement of Alexandria, in the same age, said, “all who believe in Christ are called Chrestoi, that is ‘good men.'”203
The title, Christos could even have been more acceptable to the Krishna-worshippers, because the name of Krishnawas pronounced, and still is to the present day, as Krista, in many parts of India.

Thus, we can readily see that the word Christos was easier to convert the pagans with than the word “Messiah”, especially because of the anti-Judaism that prevailed among the pagans. The syncretism between Christos and Chrestos (the Sun-deity Osiris), is further elucidated by the fact of emperor Hadrian’s report, who wrote, “There are there (in Egypt) Christians who worship Serapis; and devoted to Serapis, are those who call themselves ‘Bishops of Christ’.” footnote 198 Serapis was another Sun-deity who superseded Osiris in Alexandria. 

*** Once again, we must not falter nor stumble over this confusion among the Gentiles. Rather, we must seek the truth, primarily from the faithfully preserved Old testament Scriptures – see 2 Tim. 3:16, John 17:17, Ps. 119:105, Isa 40:8. We must worship the Father in Spirit and in Truth, as well as His Son, Yahushúa the Messiah, Who is sitting at His right hand. We do accept every (English) word in the New Testament, but we do desire to return to the original Scriptures of the New Testament, as far back as we possibly can. As previously mentioned, the Greeks changed Elijah into Helias in the Greek New Testament, and the Helios-worshippers must have been overjoyed because of their Sun-deity being assimilated to the Elijah of the Scriptures. To avoid the confusion between Helias and Helios, we should abide by the Hebrew “Elijah”. Likewise, to avoid confusion between Christos and Chrestos, we should abide by the word Anointed – remembering that Osiris the Sun-deity, amongst others, was called Chrestos. Mithras too, was possibly called Chrestos (see above).
​Taken from Part 18 Page 68
                From the Strong's Concordance Name of Iesous (with a J) and the title "Christ"
               JESUS in Greek # 2424 IESOUS -- Romans 5:1 (the J was added 500 years ago).

               CHRIST Greek # 5547 spelled in Roman letters as Christos

     Please refer to the "Messiah and the Name" and other articles on this website.


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