LET US KEEP THE FEAST OF TABERNACLES called Sukkot or Feast of Booths.
ZechariYah 14, Leviticus 23:33, IsaiYah 66 and Col 2. 

There was a real adventure studying, praising, praying, feasting and preparing to sup with the Savior.  He will return soon, so this is a rehearsal for the consummation with the  Bridegroom/Husband.YaHVaH's Feasts are funded by the "second tithe".  
 Praise YaHVaH for His Feasts are a reality and tangible, a heavenly taste.
            When? Seventh Month on Scriptural calendar Tishri and Tenth Common month.
(Tishri is the Scriptural Seventh Month; Some use different calendars.)  Genesis 1:14 the appointed times (Moed) New Moon Yom Teruah. Join us.  No one wants to miss this! 
Feast of Trumpets day portion:
New Moon sighted evening prior to  (To Be Announced, or confirmed).
Day of  Atonement fast 24 hours.  Work up an appetite and enjoy.
Feast of Tabernacles Tishri 15 to 21 ~ join us.  Obeying and loving the command.
That Last Great Day of the Feast Tishri 22:  

Whether you are Hebraic, Greek or "Just a true believer in Messiah" please send comments with the joy and Spirit of the Messiah.. 
Uplifting remarks are conducive to building a rational understanding of YaHVaH's Word.  Thank you so much for visiting this site. Join Sukkot. Shalom, TsephanYah

Text and audio.  A Full Comprehensive Audio List at Bottom of Page:   
Feasting in the Kingdom of YaHVaH.

Feast of Tabernacles Outline - Days 1-2 Click Here 

Feast of Tabernacles Outline - Days 3 to 7 Updated  - Audio Below
Last Great Day-Scriptures-Click here


Third Feast Day Text "Prep for Millennium" in ms word.

                Day of ATONEMENT Webpage
You have permission to use these Feast outlines and podcasts at no cost. These messages can be copied, saved and played for the Feast.  Listen whenever and wherever you are. I hope and pray they will help and encourage you.  Exhalt the Name of YaHVaH!

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Therefore, Let Us   Keep the Feast!

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Why, it represents the thousand year millenium!  THAT is what I want to share.
Messages or teachings need to directly address prophetic events.
Subject Material for the Feast of Tabernacles ought to be this:

The Revelation, Chapters One and others between Chapters 20 and 22!

1 Thessalonians 4 "The dead in Messiah will be the first to rise, then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet YAHVAH in the air:  and so shall we ever be with YaHVaH".
Comfort one another on Scriptures about the Resurrection, and the End Times.

IsaiYah Chapters: 2:1-4; 25:6-12, All of chapter 26 
IsaiYah Chapters: 29:18-24,  30:17-21, 32:15-20; 33; 35; 41 
IsaiYah Chapters: 42; 43; 44; 49; 55; 56; 60:18; 62; 64; 66:22-23

That Last Great Day is found in Isaiyah 65:15-25!

Daniyl 9; 12th chapter.

NehemiYaH 8; 9; 10:28-32; Ezra, possibly 9th and 10th chapters.
The smaller books from HoseYah to Malachi.  Esther and Ruth could be read.
Scriptures from Matthew to The Revelation are studied and read.
We need to be so spiritual, that we are of real heavenly value and little earthly.

Psalm 15:1 YaHVaH, who shall abide in Thy tabernacle?  Who shall dwell in they separated hill?  He that walks uprightly, and works righteousness, and speaks truth in his heart.

Psalm 42:2-4 "My soul thirsts for YaHVaH, for the living Mighty One: When shall I come and appear before YaHVaH?  {The answer is in Torah.}
My tears have been my meat night and day while they continually say to me, 'Where is thy Mighty One?'
When I remember these things, I pour out my soul in me:  For I had gone with the multitude, I went with them to the house of YaHVaH,  with the voice of joy and praise, with a multitude that kept Feastdays."

Psalm 84 "How amiable are thy tabernacles, Oh YaHVaH of armies!
My soul longeth, yea, even fainteth for the COURTS of YaHVaH:  My heart and my flesh crieth out for the living Mighty One."

Verse 10  "For a day in Thy courts is BETTER than a thousand."

"All Things Are Ready for next Feast, but some still make light of it." 
If we are walking according to the Scriptures, in the Spirit, we are welcome to attend, soon!  Tonite is the night.

Travelling to the Three Feasts by TsephanYah updated

If we say, "I will not travel, I will stay home; This my headquarters and everyone must come to my abode for the Feast".  Then every other believer could possibly say the same thing, and possibly would stay home.  We would never have that beautiful convocation, an assembly without compromise in Word of YaHVaH.

Scriptures about travelling as a pilgrimage to the Feast of Tabernacles:
Exodus 23:17
Deuteronomy 14:25
Exodus 34:24
Nu 28:9

The fact is when we do not go up to Tabernacle, then we lose many blessings. 
As we “go-up to the Feast” we pry ourselves from our familiar atmosphere, and have freshness. We think "This is a new adventure, quest, journey, voyage, exploration.”  We are really "in the spirit" when we answer the invitation to sup and dine with the King of Kings.

Then the blessings: I begin to confess "This IS an adventure. I DO love it
after all. These people really do appear to love YaHVaH. I have already
helped several people in their walk with Messiah. Several have helped me already. Wait! I don't want to leave; I don't want to go home."

YaHVaH might say to us, "This is only a taste of the heavenly here, My
Bride, you cannot stay here, and you MUST go back home. What I give
you, take with you."  This one is in Truth. And we are directly appointed to obey YaHVaH and meet with others.  See the book of NehemiYah and read about the great feast.
Some do not always agree.  People believe in short hair or long hair, short-sleeves, long sleeves, this calendar, that calendar.  Even some names and words might be different in a group of people meeting for the first time.

Then there are those who are too decrepit to travel. They have saved no second tithe to travel to the feast and maybe had to use all their income to just exist.
We hope to provide for those who cannot afford to go, with the surplus we have.
Paul said, "I must, by all means, GO UP to this feast, which cometh at Jerusalem" Book of Acts, chapter 18:21 regarding Firstfruits.

We are waving branches before YaHOSHA.  The challenge and adventure of the pilgrimage feast YaHVaH wants us to enjoy.

The pilgrimage Feast is wonderful.  Much ministering to individual needs.  There are demonstrations how to grow, cook and eat fruits and vegetables.  There are emergency preparedness seminars.  Live music is heard through the Festival grounds.  Sukkot are decorated with flowers, fruit and branches.
People are helping people.  Donations of money, food, clothing and especially of SUPPORT when you need it.  No one is ignored, no-one is not special.

The Feast of Sukkot was and is an immense success.  These believers,  including young, are running around teaching, praying, sharing, eating, grieving with, giving money to one another, rejoicing with one another, and are lifting up the Name of YaH'VaH.
I met many old friends at Sukkot now Hebraic believers.

One of the great teachings was on the Clean and unclean meats.  There were many comments and discussions.  Some days there was no teaching sadly.

In our hearts YaHOSHA dwells and tabernacles with us.  He does not abrogate the command to physically travel, males and their families, three times per year, to the Feasts.  Exodus 23:17 “Three times in the year, all thy males shall appear before YaHVaH The Eternal.”  Deuteronomy 12:15; 16:13 say ALL of us shall appear before YaHVaH.  ZechariYah 14.


                      Welcome to the Feast of Tabernacles Outline
    Free MP3 Audio Downloads below at WWW.YaHVaHYahWeh.Name  
              These messages are for your Feast and anytime.

YaHOSHA our Messiah was likely borne on this day:
Matthew 2:11; Luke 1 & 2 the new-borne Messiah.  Born of a virgin IsaiYah 7:14.

John 1:14 “The WORD became flesh and tabernacled with us.
Timing of Messiah’s birth:  Messiah died and arose at 31 ½ years.  Remove the half year to find out His birth.  He died in the spring, which puts Messiah’s birth six months from that death, having been birthed in the autumn, at the late-summer Feast on the 1st High Day at Feast of Tabernacles.
Matt 1; Luke 1:22-35 - Timing of Messiah birth. 
Matthew 2:11 Luke 2 -The new-borne Messiah.  Think on His birth at this time.  I do not know if it is very good idea to be singing Christmas songs:  It could tie impressionable minds into the heathen season two months later. See John 1:14.

Exodus 23:14,  Lev 23,  Deut 14 and 15
NehemiYah 8 and 9  Praising YaHVaH with our hearts, waving boughs, lifting pure hands with joy.
John 14; The Revelation 19:7-16
Psalm 23 “Surely goodness and Mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will tabernacle in the house of YaHVaH forever!”
Exodus 15:1-2, 21 “A praise song of Moses”.
Psalm 118:1-4, 14 to All   “Tabernacles’

As example how they commenced to keep Feast days: 
Passover:  2 Chronicles 30; 2 Kings 23:22; Heb. 11:28.

We want to be nearer, closer and ultimately in the presence of YaHVaH.  Tabernacles is that appointed time.  We are, as it were, "In the presence of YaHVaH in His Throne Room.
Earthly places are a type of heavenly: Keep Sukkot at the beach, the mountairens, Yosemite, Glacier, Bryce Canyon; Grand Canyon, Yellowstone, Hakone National Park in Japan, Missouri, Tennessee, New England, Autumn in New York.

                 MAKING YOURSELF READY
MUSIC:  We are Gathering Together Unto Him; His Banner of Me Is Love;  
 I’m going to Canaan’s Land
“We are gathering together unto Him, (Repeat)
Unto Him shall the gathering of the people be,
We are gathering together unto Him!”

The Revelation 19:7 The Bride of Messiah makes herself ready.
Matthew 25:6 Get Ready.
Job 22:19-23 “Receive, I pray thee, the Torah from His mouth, and lay up his words in thine heart.  If thou return to the Almighty, thou shalt be built up, thou shalt put away iniquity far from the tabernacles.”
1 Chronicles 17:4-5 This is the tent that HE is in.  It will be "IN TENSE"!
IsaiYah 54:1-10, 20 and 55:13, A tabernacle scripture.
IsaiYah 7:14, 8:8, 9:6, 63:18> 64:3-4 The government shall be upon His shoulders.

IMMERSION (baptism, Hebrew Tubal or rachats) symbolizes the death and resurrection of Messiah. 1 Cor 15:1-4.
In the Feast of Tabernacles, when Messiah, "YaHVaH with us" Immanuel comes to dwell.  Celebrate His death and resurrection in immersion in water. (Hebrew "rachats")
Acts 19:1-10; 22:16 Why tarry?
Psalm 27:4-5; 43:3; Thy Tabernacle;  Psalm 42; 46:1-4; 118:14, 15; 81; 84.
Revelation 14:11-12 THEY have no rest-day.  Why worship "The Beast"?
Daniel 7:25 This Babylonian society under haSatan is wearing out the patience of the true believers.
Goats and the sheep Matthew 25:33-46. Which side will we be on?
Make yourself ready:  Mark 10:40 “..for whom it is prepared.”
1 Cor 2:9-13; 3:16-17 Very Important; the Tabernacle of YaHVaH.
2 Cor 5:1-10, 17.........Very important; tabernacle in Spirit.
Hebrews 6:1-3 (In “NT”) Come out of sin!  YaHVaH is NOW taking true believers and training us to rule, reign and praise Him.  You are now in advanced training for spiritual growth as you study The Word (with or without our website).
Hebrews 9:11-12; 8:1-2 Messiah entered in once.  He is Highest Priest.
The Revelation 21:2-3; 12:6-12
Scriptures are the KJV, Restoration Scriptures or The Scriptures by WWW.ISR-Messianic.org .  We urge you to follow along with the above text while listening to the MP3 audio.


Deut 16:13-17 Feast of Tabernacles
Deut 31:10-13 Teaching children in ANY way you can!
Deut 6:1-7, 12-All
Deut 8:1-14 Tabernacles is spiritually FOR US!
1 Cor 3:16-17; 6:15-20
YaHVaH says, the body and bride IS the tabernacle of His Spirit (YaHVaH).  Be careful: what goes in, must come out.  Absolutely no eating bacon, pork, skunks or human flesh.  No drunkedness or fornication, or smoking.  These are physical.  That which is physical is spiritual.  Avoid foul-sounding Christian “rock” and bad secular music.  Romans 12:1 & 2. 
Let us not imitate the carnal with their twisted music.

The SPIRIT of YaHVaH dwells in YOU!
Acts 2:38 We MUST be immersed!
Romans 14:8-17. John 5:21, 37; Don't judge: John 7:1; 1 Cor 6:2-3.
If they judge others for "judging" then they are guilty of "judging"!

We must be studying the word of YaHVaH, with prayer, praise, witness to others, share the love and law of YaHVaH.
Psalm 19 gives the encouragement to keep the commandments, statutes and judgments.  Read about them in the Torah.  Then you can know what His laws are, so you can have His laws written in your heart.  Hebrews 10:16.

Titus 2.
Mature spirit-filled women are teaching the younger women the spiritual things, including having a family, cooking, sewing, and to be decent, keepers of their home. 

YaHVaH’s culture will not include church hip-music to “shake the booties”.  
Grandparents should not spoil the Grandchildren.

Revelation 18:3-5 COME OUT of her My people.
Revelation 6:9-11; 12:17, 14:11-15 
They are they who Keep the Commandments of YaHVaH.
In our assemblies, we should offer unadulterated, unlimited prayer and songs not blemished by the world's carnal culture, nor by their off-beat music and customs.  Let us lift up pure undefiled hands to YaHOSHA Messiah.

Fourth Day of the Feast

Read these Scriptures and teach them; about two hours.  My main emphasis, Sukkot can be found in IsaiYah.  Much of IsaiYah is about this Feast of Booths.
Summer’s beauty at the Feast of Sukkot - a type of the heavenly with our Messiah.  
Ezra 3:1-6 on the New Moons and Feast of Tabernacles.
Psalm 19:1-2.. 15:1, 2
23:1-5;  91:1
84:1-4 & 10-12
98:7; Negatively 101:6-8; 
Positively Psalm 107:30-38.......119:169-176 (or to End)
Psalm 140:13
IsaiYah 11 is a Messianic story at Tabernacles time.

IsaiYah 65:17-25; 
35:1-10............... 29:18 In our time to come! Read on our 5th day.
40:17; 41:9-20 Paints a rosy picture of Tabernacling in the future.

JeremiYah 6:13 to 19 Walk in the old paths:  The old, obscure, forgotten, covered-up, not-maintained, abandoned ancient paths.
YeremiYah 7:9-23>
YeremiYah 8:8-22 Is there no balm in Gilead?
Amos 5:18; 6:1-5 Woe unto apostates who desire The Day of YaHVaH!
Negatively:  IsaiYah 6:5 We are a people of unclean lips, Woah!
IsaiYah 16:4-7a Judgment on Moab
13:19-22 on Babylon (That is where our world is today).
23:15-18 and 24:3-6 Tyre
3:1-12 Children are their oppresors and shall rule over them.

IsaiYah 26:1-5 "Open the Gates."
30:17-27 (note verse 19) Last Days
32:4 & 15-18 Last Days
33:14-24 to 34:1-2 & 8 to End 
40:22 Our future in destruction due to evil.
11:6 The wolf and the lamb can get-over their animosity!  So called "hate crimes" become "love crimes".  But as the world says, "You can't legislate the heart".  We begin to not hate Yahvah, His Word, His people, His commandments: We love 'em.
56:1-12 and Especially 57:13-15
2 Timothy 4:7-8 and 2 Thessalonians 4, Contrary to those apostates in Amos 5, we will love His appearing.  Make ready for the fifth day of the Feast.


Revelation 19:6 to 9.....and 21:3. John 1:14 The Word: Messiah, tabernacled with us.
The Spirit of YaHVaH is the Spirit of prophecy, not dissecting of prophecy.  “Line upon line, here a little, there a little” found in IsaiYah 28.
IsaiYah 35 again.
41:4 & 17-20 the Aleph and TOV Who is The Messiah!
44:3-6 with John 5:37; 6:44-46.
Psalms 19:9 All the judgments are true and righteous altogether!
The Law Exodus 20-23 Yahvah gives us His honey-do list.
Exodus 21:1 & Ex. 23:14 & 16b Ten commandments of YHVH, with the statutes and judgments or privileges.
Hebrews 8:10, Deuteronomy 8, Matt 4:4 His Word IS truth and that is how we ought to walk.
Hebrews 9:8b-11 what was done away?  
The Added Law spoken of in JeremiYah 7:22 & Ez. 20:25. Galatians 2-3. Temple Sacrifices.
Deut 4:4 & 12:32 It is time to follow the whole Word not the world.
This shows the Sabbaths are not abrogated (passed away).
IsaiYah 66:22, Zech 14, Hebrews 13 show YaHOSHA is the same, yesterday, today and forever; James 1:17 Consistent with no shadow of turning.
Romans 8:7 We are not “above” the law or Torah.
Some promote divorce and remarriage, our National Sin.  Deut 22:13 to end.

Lev. 23:34-44 This is the Time to rejoice now, and at the Last Great Day!
NehemYah 8:14 to end.
John 7:2, 8 What is Messiah doing keeping that OLD Feast of Tabernacles?
John 7:37-38 Messiah IS keeping That Last Great Day.  We should follow His steps.
Acts 18:21 in A.D. 52 the Feasts are still kept, now and in the millenium.

IsaiYah 11:6-11a
12 all
Some believe differently, but for our house, 
we will serve YaHVaH.  Enjoy the Feast!
The Day of Celebrating YaHVaH is not over!  Shalom!
On Right, Hover, Click to read more about the Feasts and Festivals:


Psalm 119:97-104 “Oh!  How love I Thy Torah.  I hate every false way.” 
Psalm 15:1; 27:3-4 (His tabernacle); 132:9-16; 
Shout for Joy!
IsaiYah 30:17-19; 26:1; 57:15; 66:22

YeremiYah 17:1-8 & 30
Daniyl 12:2
IsaiYah 5  In Hebrew: YeshaYahu

Day 7 End of the Millenium
Scriptural References:
Revelation 20:2-3, 5-7
Psalm 25:1-10
Revelation 20:7-8
Deuteronomy 30:9-11, 14-17, 19-20
Job 1:1, 6-10
Ezekiel 14:1-4
Job 31:1-40
Job 32:1
Job 33:1-6
Job 34:35-37
Job 35:1-4
Job 38:1-3
Job 40:1-14

Revelation 20:7-10
1 Corinthians 2
Revelation 20:4
1 Corinthians 15
Isaiah 65
2 Timothy 3
​Prepare for the High Day next for there is no work permitted on that day.
"Servile work" means "No work"!

THE LAST GREAT DAY, Shemini Atzaret Left Click on this line.
John 7:37-39
1 After these things YaHOSHA walked in Galilee: for he would not walk in “Jewry” because the Jews sought to kill him. 2 Now the “Jews’”?  Feast of Tabernacles was at hand. 3 His brethren therefore said unto Him, Depart hence, and go into Judaea, that thy disciples also may see the works that thou does. 4 For there is no man that does anything in secret, and he himself seeks to be known openly. If thou do these things, show thyself to the world. 5 For neither did his brethren believe in Him. (skipping)
37 In the last(Last Great Day) day, that great day of the feast, YaHOSHA stood and cried, saying, If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink. 38 He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water. 39 (But this spake he of the Spirit, which they that believe on him should receive: for the Separated Spirit was not yet given; because that YaHOSHA was not yet "glorified".) 

John 12:37-40, 42-50
37 But though he had done so many miracles before them, yet they believed not on him: 38 That the saying of IsaiYah the prophet might be fulfilled, which he spake, YaHVaH, who hath believed our report? and to whom hath the arm of YaHVaH been revealed? 39 Therefore they could not believe, because that Esaias/ IsaiYah said again, 40 He hath blinded their eyes, and hardened their heart; that they should not see with their eyes, nor understand with their heart, and be converted, and I should heal them. 41These things said Esaias/IsaiYah, when he saw his glory, and spake of him.  (finish to verse 50)

Matthew 11:25-30
25 At that time YaHOSHA answered and said, I thank thee, O Father, YaHVaH of heaven and earth, because thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes. 26 Even so, Father: for so it seemed good in thy sight. 27 All things are delivered unto me of my Father: and no man knows the Son, but the Father; neither knows any man the Father, save the Son, and he to whomsoever the Son will reveal him. 28 Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light. "http://www.YaHVaHYahweh.Name"   

John 7 to 8:1 as Messiah went out to His Sukkot.
John 9:41; 12:13 They brought branches to worship Him; 21:15 Feed my lambs.
John/Yochanon 4:12;
Matthew 23:27 to 24:13
Psalm 122:6 Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.
IsaiYah 24:5-6
IsaiYah 62
64:4 vs. 6-8
66:10 Rejoice with Jerusalem.
Joel 2, especially 2:23
ZechariYah 9:9 to End
Eph 5:5, 11
Luke 2:21 YaHOSHA Messiah, commonly called "Jesus" (from Iesous) was circumcised on the Eight day. John 7 and 7:37. That is another major event to remember.  The Last Great Day, a day to relish and remember.

This is TsephanYah and I dreamed I was there at the Feast in ZechariYah 14. 
Who will we see there?  We will see Messiah face to face, John .  Also, Abraham, Yacob, Yitzak, David and those in the Faith chapter Ibrim 11: Including Abel, Enoch, Noah, Sara, Yosef, Moshe, Rahab, Gideon, Barak, Sampson, Yepheth, Samuel and the prophets.  I am especially looking forward to fellowshipping with the prophets, “Minor” prophets and finally with all of YaHVaH’s wonderful multitude. This coming Feast of Tabernacles, I am looking forward to seeing sisters and brothers in Messiah.  This year it is with good friends in Messiah.  Whether in Jerusalem, Missouri, Oklahoma, Salem, Chicago, Alaska, New York, Hawaii, South America, South Africa or wherever YOU are. In Eternity we may be rubbing elbows with all the great cloud of witnesses of Hebrews 11.
Each year and each Scriptural Feast draws us closer to the reality which these Feasts presently foreshadow. 1Corinthians 14:49 “And as we have borne the image of the earthy, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly.”  
Matthew 5:8 “Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall SEE YaHVaH.”
1 Cor 13:12 “We see through a glass darkly, but then Face to Face.
Revelation 22:4 “And they shall see His face; and His Name shall be in their foreheads.”

Those who will reject the invitation(s) to the Feast are like uninvited guests.  No one will force their arm and drag them to be, as they object, “Under the law, inheriting the curse, keeping Jewish Feasts”.  Only that we compel them to come to gather in YaHVaH’s appointments for a real convocation.

Let us hope in The Word, not in the controlled news of “doom and gloom”. Why grab your cell phone and “let us see just how hot it will really get”?    Gas prices, the stock market, the temperature may go up and down. Have things never been this bad before? History repeats inself in the human race.

John 16:33 “These things I have spoken unto you, that in Me you might have peace.  In the world you shall have much tribulation; but be of good cheer.  YaHOSHA Messiah has overcome the world.”  Restoring His Name.
So radio and Internet friends, a quick check on the dial now:  We hear news, static, music, commercials.  So, the news is good. Or there may be some real dangers to beware and avoid.  Trust not in the legs of man, but in King Messiah Who has conquered sin and death in the grave, for all Eternity.
If we remain true to YaHVaH and His Son, things will get better. Does not Scripture supply enough of history, current events and forth-telling? We just cannot believe it, until we are there in body and spirit in the presence of the King of Kings.  Remember Him!  Dream, hope, pray and travail for Yisrael.  You will be blessed.

Now is the time to save the second tithe for the next pilgrimage feast.
Prepare for Eternity, even with your diet.  The best vegetable is Sweet Potatoe; juice carrots; eat cantaloupes and strawberries, esp blue berries.  Do not over-eat.  If at all possible, drink two liters of water daily. Do exercises; do push-ups if possible, and leg exercises.  Use it or loose it.  Rest and sleep.
If you would like to be molded by the world, let the media influence and train you. Listen to their radio, TV, DVD and CD's. But instead, be transformed by the renewing of your mind.  Study the Word and you will not need the trivia of the world.
Sukkot-Afterglow mp3 audio  Removed for re-recording. 
See below "Feast of Tabernacles Afterglow.


Hebrew words from NehemYah 8:15-18 "Everyone built a sukkot on his own house".  It was not like some staying at their apartment, sticking a little tent or sukkot out on the balcony while not dwelling in it. 

"So the people went forth, and brought (branches) and made themselves booths, every one upon the roof of "his" house, and in their courts, and in the courts of the house of YaHVaH, and in the street of the water gate, and in the street of the gate of Ephraim."  NehemiYah 8 near the end of the chapter.

It was the roof of A house.  They were all in convocation together in one place to praise YaHVaH like they will be doing in ZechariYah 14.

Letter “H” below equals “Hebrew word number”.

Roof H1406 gawg

H1406 Not "Roof of HIS house" but it is “A house"

Probably by reduplication from H1342; a roof; by analogy the top of an altar:—roof (of the house), (house) top (of the house).

Courts - H2691 Hebrew châtsêr, khaw-tsare'

From H2690 in its original sense; a yard (as inclosed by a fence); also a hamlet (as similarly surrounded with walls):—court, tower, village.

Booths, Sukkot Strong's No. H 5521

Transliterated: sukkah;  Pronounced: sook-kaw' 05521 from 5520; 
Trans. & freq. in the AV— tabernacle 12 times, booth 11 times, pavilion 5 times, cottage 1 time, covert 1 time, tents 1 time; 31 occurrences of Hebrew word in AV

1. thicket, covert, booth

a. thicket

b. booth (rude or temporary shelter).

Concerning satisfaction in the Feast.  YaHVaH keeps you to live life His way!


We will update the page from time to time.
Be sure to listen to free messages MP3 downloads plus much more below. WWW.YaHVaHYahweh.Name 


                       MP3 AUDIO FILES 

Atonement Pt 1  ~~   Pt 2
 Yom Kippur 29 min MP3 (Left Click to play; right to copy.)
 Fasting 53 min MP3


Tabernacles 1               57 min
Tabernacles 2 *VG        58 min

Sukkot 1st High Day      1 hr 22m Heaven is for Real.  
Sukkot 2nd Day 1 hr 18m
Sukkot 3rd Day  1 hr 11m
Sukkot 4th Day  45 min
    Evening Service   First High Day audio & text
First Day Lower quality 38 min
First High Day Tabernacles 42 min
Day Part B Messiah likely was born this day.   19 min

Make Ready - Reunion Second Feast Day (MS Text)
Second Day           36 min
Second Day "A Virgin Shall Conceive"    40 min
Second Day It Takes a Spark 36 min
      Second Day:B-revised      37 min
​      Second Night A-revised    15 min

Third Day of Sukkot  Prepare and Enjoy    30 min
Third Day of Sukkot                                    29 min
Fourth Feast "FOT Type of Heavenly"       
        Evening 4a    24 min   
​        Part B Day 4    26 min
        Part C Day 4     40 min
        Part D Day 4     20 min

Fifth Day Feast "Millenium"      Evening   45 min
 Day of Rejoicing  b           40 min
C Day                               46 min

Sixth Day Feast Part A Evening     38 min
  Part B Day           60 min
Seventh Day Sukkot NEW            32 min

***http:///taber1.html  *  Text (Pending) **

Seventh Day                  Evening   40 min
Travel to Pilgrimage Feasts; Audio:  Day  40 min 

LAST GREAT DAY Shemini Atzaret    Part A  39 min

Part B       33 min;
Part C       46 min
Shemini Atzaret LGD  58 min

Tinsel and Holly or Feast of Tabernacles? 

Feast of Tabernacles from GiveShare  VG   66 min

Tabernacles More :  Robes of Righteousness Pt 1  50 min
Robes of Righteousness Pt 2   61 min

Feast Tabernacles Afterglow MP3     33 min
Trumpets Feast                                59 min
Trumpets A                                      40 min
Trumpets # C                 37 min
Feasting with YAHVAH   65 min
Scriptures about Sukkot - NehemYah 8, Matthew 5     27 min

Freedom of religion (creed, faith, practice) to use any calendar, feasts etc.
Personal responsibility to know and do the Truth of the Word!  
Actions speak louder than our words.  James 1:25
Feast of Tabernacles great Pilgrimage Travel Page

New Covenant Feast-Psalm 40                       63 min

Leviticus 22-23; Numbers 29:12-31; Ex 33-34 vs 26; Ez 36-39; 1 Kings 8-9
ZechariYah 14; Matthew 16; Debarim-Deut. 14:22-16:17
E mail us if you need some other information on the above “Email button”.
 Proof for the Feasts of YaHVaH are given on this site. 
Email soon Push "Contact button" and see you there.


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Shavout LiveFeast & Messiah MP3Trumpets Audio 1